3D Show by 3 (provider) entitled 3030

Here I tell you my first experience 3D shows, well you know that it was rarely happen in my country esp Surabaya. It was Friday, I went to Delta if I'm not mistaken at 8am with my friends. I didnt know actually what kind of event was. Before my friend asked me to go there, my lill brother had told me that this is 3's event and he would have a show over there : martial art show but, I didnt know the further information about the event. FYI, my friends and I entered the venue without ticket, I passed by 'free' way, illegal lah bahasa kasarnya. It took so long for waiting the show because when I came the show was running and it took 1,5 hours for each. it was different with my bro's perform, there other part like you know I called it as 'Schools Performances'. We took a lot of photographs because there such a big mmm I dont know how to say that represented 3030, check this : Then after waiting so long, here we entered the special place inside the...