
PGPQ - PW LP4Q JQHNU Jatim (Angkatan 2) : Pengalamanku

Haaaai! Kali ini aku mau sharing tentang short course (aku lebih suka menyebutnya gini) yang sudah kuselesaikan dan sudah wisuda, bernama PGPQ atau Pendidikan Guru Pendidik Al-Qur'an yang diselenggarakan PW LP4Q dibawah naungan JQHNU Jatim (cmiiw). Program ini sudah memasuki tahun ketiga, tapi aku mahasiswa angkatan ke-2. Baru saja wisuda kemarin tanggal 5 Mei.   Disclaimer dulu ya.        Ini murni berdasarkan pengalaman dan opiniku, sebelumnya aku belum pernah ikut tashih atau standardisasi metode mengajar dan membaca Al-Qur'an lainnya, tidak pernah mondok , tidak kuliah jurusan keguruan, dan menjadi pengajar di TPQ dekat rumah dengan menggunakan metode lain yaitu Al-Hidayah.   Dari mana tahu ada program ini?      Rekan-rekan saya di TPQ sudah mengikutinya terlebih dahulu, mereka merupakan lulusan angkatan pertama. Saya sempat tidak begitu aktif mengajar di TPQ lebih dari empat tahun karena bekerja ( I was 8-5 employee ). Mungkin hanya hari Sabtu saja dan mengikuti kegiatan


     Band favorit masa mudaku ((yhaa sekarang juga masih muda sih - self proclaimed lol)) dan band yang jadi subyek eh apa obyek ya, skripsiku. I majored in english linguistic, jadi permasalahan yg kuambil adalah english pronunciationnya para vokalis band Jepang yang nyanyi lagunya yg pake Bahasa Inggris. Bandingin vokalis lain (penyanyi yg nge-cover lagu) sama vokalis One Ok Rock, Taka.          To be honest, sejak album Ambitions, I'm not their regular listener. Makanya aku bilang band favorit masa mudaku hehe. Preferensiku di musik berubah. Sesekali kudengerin kalo lagi kangen suara Taka dan lagunya One Ok Rock terutama kalo lagi 'capek' dengerin lagu kpop. Ya tau kan kadang kalo dengerin musik pengen suasana lain. Oh ya, suara Taka tuh emang yang paling kusuka sih dari vokalis-vokalis pria yang menjadi seleraku.      Ini aku sambil sharing ya perjalanan dari Sby-Jkt, jadi bisa jadi agak detil atau bertele-tele wkwkw. Semoga bisa jadi referensi buat yang lagi nyari refer

The World of Ghibli Jakarta - Exhibition

Helloooooo! Jadi, kali ini aku mau cerita eksibinya The World of Ghibli yang ada di Jakarta. Kalian ngerti kan GHIBLI?????!!!! Iyaaaa, yaaa, ini ghibli yang foundernya the great Hayao Miyazaki-san 🙌. Kalo belum ngerti cepet googling pake keyword STUDIO GHIBLI dan selamat menikmati filmnya. The World of Ghibli ini punya rangkaian acara, ada screening (22 film ghibli di remastered trus bisa di tonton dibioskop di Indonesiaaaaaaa) trus eksibisi dan beberapa kali ada audisi band, grup , duo dan sejenisnya yg nanti tampil di eksibinya trus juga sempet ada lomba mewarnai. Coba cek website nya di . Beruntungnya, alhamdulillah Indonesia specifically di Jakarta bisa menyelenggarakan (duh kata2nya) eksibisi ini. Eksibisinya ini mirip-mirip kaya Museum Ghibli gitu sama yang pernah juga di nagoya apa nagasaki ya?. Jadi dalemnya bangunan/instalasi yg jadi simbol dari beberapa film dari studio ghibli kaya My neighbor totoro - si monster lucu Totoro, Princess mononoke - Hutan

Jalan Ke Jogja

Blog ini makin kesini nggak jelas isinya apa haha sedapet pengalamanya aja yaa, lagian sok kayak blognya banyak yang baca lol. Awal Desember 2016 ahirnyaaaa ke jogja, aku nulis judulnya bukan 'Liburan ke Jogja' karena emang aku ngerasa waktunya abis di jalan untuk menuju ke Jogja nya. Yaaa maklum karna naik bis dan pas momentnya lagi libur sekolah dan tanggal merah 😵 Jadi, naik bis dari terminal Bungurasih (aka Purabaya) jurusan Jogja, turun Indom*rt Janti karna ntar sama temen dijemputnya disitu. Berangkat dari rumah sekitar jam 10 malem, sampe sana nungguin 2 jam bis patas berinisial 'M', bodohnya  aku waktu itu timing nya orang pada pengen pulkam semua jadi setelah terpengaruh dengan suara-suara "mbak garasi mbak..." langsung cus ke garasi bis nya, disaat seperti ini baru merasa bersyukur punya sodara laki-laki *ketawa setan*. Disanapun masih nunggu, Allahumaa! Sampe sana agak siang jam 10/11-an karna kebiadaban jalan yang macet tiada henti melih

6th Semester

It's holiday, and I am about to fasting in charge of Muslim means that I finished my university stuff except PKL (actually this is an option but as most of us take this bcz we need a lot of experiences in 'real' job) The list of subjects that I got, oh as noted in this semester we'd already divided into linguistics and literature and I choose linguistics - Issue & Trends in Sociolinguistics - Research methodology - Translation - Discourse Analysis - Pragmatics - Stylistics - Academic Speaking - Drama Appreciation - Bussiness Correspondence - Philosophy of Science - British Society and Culture ( as repeater) Yes, this semester we more focus on our thesis plan, we tried to plan our thesis like deciding the title or whatever subject will you take it seriously. In Research and Issue we had to submit thesis proposal only chapter 1,2 and 3. In order to make us easy in the future while we get 'Thesis'. Well, in the beginning of the class many times

Shiina ringo - 青春の瞬き

Well, Shiina Ringo is my favorite singer. I love her taste while producing some songs, seems like she always sets up every detailed pattern of music composition in her song. For me, it is fascinating bcz  I can catch the message either from the lyrics or the music, and makes me more sensitive to recognize some taste. The rhythms or the melodies could be the storyline of the song  so i enjoy it most. I'm not a fans that know everything bout Shiina-san, but I cant deny that I'm curios to her also. I have my own opinion about her. From the point of produce album or songs, I think that she is growing up, has her improvement, let me call it as be more 'mature'. If you were following her songs from the first debut or album you'll recognize it. I can't explain precisely maybe emmm from this, you know that young Shiina really loves husky voice or semi screaming or growling whatever you call it and her stage performances is rebel or uncommon? lol. time by time she c

3D Show by 3 (provider) entitled 3030

Here I tell you my first experience 3D shows, well you know that it was rarely happen in my country esp Surabaya. It was Friday, I went to Delta if I'm not mistaken at 8am with my friends. I didnt know actually what kind of event was. Before my friend asked me to go there, my lill brother had told me that this is 3's event and he would have a show over there : martial art show but, I didnt know the further information about the event. FYI, my friends and I entered the venue without ticket, I passed by 'free' way, illegal lah bahasa kasarnya. It took so long for waiting the show because when I came the show was running and it took 1,5 hours for each. it was different with my bro's perform, there other part like you know I called it as 'Schools Performances'. We took a lot of photographs because there such a big mmm I dont know how to say that represented 3030, check this : Then after waiting so long, here we entered the special place inside the