6th Semester

It's holiday, and I am about to fasting in charge of Muslim means that I finished my university stuff except PKL (actually this is an option but as most of us take this bcz we need a lot of experiences in 'real' job)
The list of subjects that I got, oh as noted in this semester we'd already divided into linguistics and literature and I choose linguistics

- Issue & Trends in Sociolinguistics
- Research methodology
- Translation
- Discourse Analysis
- Pragmatics
- Stylistics
- Academic Speaking
- Drama Appreciation
- Bussiness Correspondence
- Philosophy of Science
- British Society and Culture ( as repeater)

Yes, this semester we more focus on our thesis plan, we tried to plan our thesis like deciding the title or whatever subject will you take it seriously. In Research and Issue we had to submit thesis proposal only chapter 1,2 and 3. In order to make us easy in the future while we get 'Thesis'.
Well, in the beginning of the class many times our lecturer didn't come, automatically this was so heaven for student because we had many good times without class hahah, but then in the end lecturers gave us many kind of assignment. insistently came up without warning and no compensation. But I killed all them all haha, no problem since you've got the topic that you will analyze (I think this the difficult part, you must choose the topic which could be interesting or new topic whether comes from improving another topics that'd been analyzed by another researcher)

Oh my God, and I feel so old in the end. I'll be the oldest generation in my university.
I wish I could finish my Thesis quickly and be the  best :)


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